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What is it?

What are you expecting God to do in your life?

What are you seeing in your mind, thoughts, and imagination?

Most of us have fleeting ideas of what we want to be, do and have in our lives but they remain just that; fleeting. After all, who has the time to intentionally get clear about what we want to create and accomplish?

How would it feel to start a brand new year with clarity, having a vision set before you, with the faith to step into the purpose-filled, hope-filled year God has for you?

In order to believe what's possible, we first have to 'see' it.

God has given us eyes of faith to see 'the things that don't yet exist as though they did' and as we step out in faith, align our hearts and minds with His divine purpose, and allow ourselves to dream with Him, it's truly amazing to see those very plans and purposes unfold in our lives...often in ways that far exceed our expectations.

A vision board is a simple but amazingly effective tool to do just this.

It's a way to capture your God-given dreams in visual form, 'writing the vision down' and 'making it plain' ...creating clarity in our hearts and minds about what we are believing God to do in and through us as we partner with Him to see our God-given

dreams become reality.

As someone who has created my own vision boards and had the privilege of guiding others through this inspiring process, I've learned that it's far more than just slapping pictures onto a poster board.

It's about first getting clear on your authentic life, letting go of what's in the way,

and then clearly connecting with your God-given dreams

while designing a vision that calls to you.

That's why I'm leading this one-day fully immersive 'Dare To Dream Vision-Board Retreat';

to give you the space you need to intentionally define your dreams and create

a Vision Board that will inspire you, motivate you and empower you to pursue your

God-given purpose with passion.

What's included?

Here’s what you’ll get when you attend a 'Dare To Dream' Retreat:

* Clarity on the dreams God has place on your heart.

(No more settling for someone else's dream or what others expect you to be and do)


* Space and time to define and map out your goals in each area of life (God's way)


* Connection with other amazing women just like you...all dreaming BIG in God


* Opportunity, space and coaching to clear out the natural obstacles and limiting beliefs

around what's possible for you.

(Time to let go!)


* All the the tools and time to create your own powerful Vision Board

(You don't have to bring a thing. I've got all the materials you need right in the room!)


* Your very own Vision Board to take home, acting as a clear and powerful tool to 

inspire and build faith in you as you pursue your dreams in the months ahead

and partner with God as He comes with His resources and 'pro-vision' for the vision


* A full day of breathing room and dream time in a beautiful, peaceful and scenic location to help you unwind and get clarity, free of distractions and the busyness of life.

(The very thing you keep promising yourself you'll give yourself but never do!)


* Refreshments provided throughout the day including a scrumptious

sit-down lunch plus coffee and cake served mid-afternoon

Sound Good?   Get Notified.....


We run these retreats periodically in various locations across the UK and in the US and because of the powerful work in our time together, spaces are very limited and fill up fast. 


To be notified the next time we host a 'Dare To Dream' Retreat, you can join our waitlist below and we'll

send you all the details in advance of the tickets going on sale so you can act quickly should you

want to book a place.

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