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Vision Boards

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream" - C. S. Lewis

Do You Have A Vision?

When you think about your life, your business or your ministry, what is it that you are believing God for?

What exactly do you want to create and accomplish? Who is it that you want to become?


How big do you you allow yourself to dream? Do you really believe those dreams can become reality?

You may have lots of ideas about what you want to be, do and have in life, but when was the last time you got deliberate about those dreams and took time to give real attention and focus to defining and mapping out the myriad of thoughts in your head?  

The Power of Vision-Boards...

Did you know that you are twice as likely to achieve your goals if you write them down? 


Did you know that your brain processes images 60,000x faster than text?

In order to believe what's possible, we first have to 'see' it.

Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to 'write the vision down' and to 'make it plain' so that it can be clearly understood and acted upon. 

A vision-board is a simple but amazingly effective tool that simplifies this process and enables us to capture our God-given dreams in visual form in a way that provides clarity to what we are believing for and what we want to achieve.

The process of creating a vision-board is NOT a crafting exercise. Far from it!

It's a powerful process that helps you create clarity and focus and enables you to live with a sense of purpose and passion every day in alignment with your God-given dreams.

It's about planting seeds of vision, hope and belief for your future


It's about taking the limits off, daring to dream BIG, and awakening yourself to what is truly possible when you partner with God


It's about opening your eyes of faith to see 'the things that don't yet exist as though they did'


It's about committing your vision to paper and getting intentional about taking the necessary steps to see it become reality

It's about believing for and committing to change and choosing to get excited about your future regardless of

your current circumstances


It's a process that gives you the time and space you need to deliberately define your dreams and create a visual representation that serves to inspire you, motivate you and empower you to pursue your vision in partnership with God

What To Expect At A Workshop...

A unique combination of coaching and creativity, my workshops include interactive personal and group exercises to help you to define your dreams and goals for the future and design a vision that fills you with that powerful sense of passion and purpose


 At each workshop, whether designing individual boards or team boards with a corporate focus, first we create space for clarity and connection, enabling you to focus on your WHY before moving into the visionary process. Next, we identify and deal with any obstacles and limiting beliefs that could stand in the way of your vision becoming reality. Then follows the creative process where you will select images, words and quotes from magazines that most resonate with your vision and what you 'see' when you allow yourself to dream BIG. We usually conclude with a time of sharing our boards, inspiring and challenging each other and committing together to take the necessary steps to live out our God-given dreams.   

You are guaranteed to have lots of fun during this process, but more importantly you will experience moments of personal revelation and powerful mindset shifts, and will leave feeling inspired, motivated and full of clarity and excitement about living out the vision set before you.


In addition to hosting our 'Dare To Dream' Vision-Board retreats, I facilitate workshops for individuals, non-profit groups, leadership teams and corporate visioneering / team-building gatherings so if you'd like to enquire about booking a workshop, please complete the enquiry form and we can discuss your requirements in detail. 

Learn More About Our 'Dare To Dream' Vision Board Retreats HERE

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