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Writer's pictureVicky Hughes


It’s becoming clearer by the day that the world is changing in crazy ways.

The seasons of change seem to be coming faster and faster, and it can feel almost impossible to keep up. These last couple of years it seems that everything around us is shifting at a rapid pace.

With that in mind, I want to encourage you - especially if you’re feeling unsettled or anxious about all that’s going on in the world right now or what the future holds.

In the midst of what seems like a whirlwind of change, uncertainty and chaos happening all around, I’m reminding you of the truth today that YOU were created for such a time as this! It’s not just a cute saying - it’s what God says, and I believe it with my whole heart. You were born for these days, whatever they may hold, and God has big plans for you to fulfil - no matter how insignificant you may feel in the grand scheme of things!

He has much to accomplish on the earth in the days ahead, and as His daughters, we have an instrumental role to play in the fulfilment of His purposes. But, in order to rise up and be all that you were created to be in this season, there’s one major key that you must remember and embrace… REST!



The Upside-Down Kingdom Mentality

It sounds crazy and waaaaay too simple, but let me explain. Those of you who’ve been in the Company of Dreamers tribe or journeyed with me for a while will have heard me talk a lot about how important it is as kingdom builders that we adopt a posture of rest as a lifestyle rather than taking on the world’s burdensome ways of working and doing life. To the logical mind, it makes no sense, is completely counterintuitive, and is the total opposite of what we’ve all been taught for so long. It’s a complete paradigm shift, and it requires an ‘un-learning’ of the world's ways in order to re-learn and step into God’s upside-down Kingdom methodology!

But…now more than ever, operating from that place of rest and complete trust in God’s plans, provision, and protection is vital if we’re going to be the people He’s called us to be in this hour. He is looking for those that will relinquish all control and dare to be totally dependant on Him - to lead, guide, and provide. A people whose utmost focus is to lean into His heart, prioritise His presence above all else, and live from that place of complete confidence in His ability and faithfulness to equip, empower, and enable them to be and do all that He’s called them to. It sure sounds upside down, but it’s the difference between ‘soaring’ and ‘striving’.

If you need some help with the whole hustle/striving mentality, check out this article. It’s all about how to shift your mindset from striving to soaring!

I know you’ve probably heard me talk about this time and time again, but that’s because I believe it’s the number one key to getting unstuck (whether in faith, life, or business) and setting you on that trajectory of ‘becoming’ all you were created to be. It’s the foundational principle you need to embrace when you’re embarking on the journey of discovering your God-given dreams, and it’s the place you need to be living in order to align with His perfect will and plan for your life. So I figure it’s worth camping out here now and again. :)

Adopting a Posture of Rest

I’ve delved into Hebrews 4 plenty of times and explored what that posture of rest looks like in the day-to-day. But God has had me back in there again over the last few months - digging out more treasure - and reminding me of the very foundations that the vision He gave me for the Company of Dreamers. I don’t know about you but I need FREQUENT reminders not to get caught up in the whole hustle and grind mentality!

Let's be clear. Living from rest doesn’t mean sitting on the sidelines or being passive about what’s happening around us. But it does mean finding our strength, our hope, and our courage IN HIM, and not from our own resources. It means operating out of His presence and not from our own striving. When we choose to live this way, it’s not about us anymore. It’s all about Him. It allows Him to work through us in supernatural power and authority because we’re no longer striving in our own strength or abilities. We become truly effective conduits for His love, power, and presence to flow through into a lost and dying world that desperately needs it.

So, if you’re feeling like you need to step up and do more or be more in this season - take a deep breath, let it go, and determine instead to learn to rest in Him. It really is the biggest key to becoming all that He created you to be!

What do you think?

Do you find it easy to rest in God, or are you still caught up in the hustle?

Do you believe that you were born for such a time as this?

Let me know your thoughts. I REALLY would love to hear from you! :)

As usual, if you’ve found this article encouraging, would you do me a huge favour and share this email with just one other person you think might benefit from reading it?

P.S. I HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU!! As a thank you for reading and allowing me to take up this little space in your day, you can download my 30-Day ‘Rest in God’ Devotional HERE. It will help to get you started on your journey of learning to live a life of rest so that you can become all that He created you to be. To get it FREE, simply type a zero in the 'name a fair price' box and hit download. Enjoy!

Until next time, have a great week and remember to REST!

Vicky x


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